Emobear/Chrille had informed me of a little Add-on that he had used to lvl alts in the past. I thought it seemed like a nifty little thing so I downloaded it recently. The name is
TourGuide. TourGuide is a nifty little program that gives you a complete leveling guide for your selected starting area, and then progressed side. It tells you a very specific order to get things and do quests and events. In such detail as when to travel to the next city, and when to use hearth to go back to town for turn-ins. Now this by it's self is fairly good. But add to that the use of
LightHeaded and
Tomtom. What this enables through setting up your options, is TourGuide will look up the location for every NPC and quest in it's quide in LightHeaded, and mark it on your map with Tomtom. It will also automatically remove the marker and move on to the next one when you complete it. This pretty much makes leveling an alt, Easy Mode. If it's in alt, you've already seen most of the game, you just want your character up there. This set up, I have found thus far to be AWESOME, and really helps smooth along the process. Pick them up if you ever think you are going to level an alt.