Most satisfying win I've had in a long time. Click the pic to get a better look.
Took us 90 minutes of wipes, but when we all got on task, we got our first win against Mimiron and his V-07-tr-ON force. Only 3 dead in the end as well. We were all cheering at our keyboards. No hunter loot, as usual, but I've come to expect that from Ulduar.
Only the General stands between us and the Death God now.
The fight is very frustrating for me as a hunter. So much depends on the healers. In most fights, my survival greatly depends on my situational awareness and my ability to avoid shiny crap that kills me. But phase 2 of this fight is such a clusterfrak that there is very little I can do besides pray to the Earthmother that the healers are on point and keep me alive. I was getting a little upset after the first hour of wipes, but in the end, Subterfuge's magnificent healers came through. Grats to all.
Oh and yes, I did bring an underleveled pet to raid. At first I was using my giant wasp for DPS, but this fight is so brutal on hunter pets that I just decided I wouldn't have him fight anymore. At that point I decided it was better just to bring in my underleveled cunning pet for Roar of Recovery. It helps me hit full mana between each phase of the fight. As a reward for helping us down Mimiron, I went out and leveled him to 77. Good old Freewind II.