Yeah, that's right. Turbo Charged.
This baby is tweaked out with 8, that's right, Eight Khorium Power cores, strapped on with Felsteel Stabilizers. You know what's inside a single Khorium Power Core? A Primal Fire, harvested from enraged Fire elementals found at the Hand of Gul'dan volcano in the heart of Shadowmoon Valley. Each Primal Fire is encased in a shell forged from 2 bars of Khorium, the hardest, rarest metal in all of Outland.
That's what is under the hood. You will also note, that since upgrading my old Flying Machine, I've given it a wicked paint job (to denote it's wickedness), and stuck a hula girl on the dashboard. It still stalls occasionally, but it rides a little smoother than before.
You're looking at a happy (and a little crazy) Orc.