Okay, there is no way I have the patience to keep running Eye of the Storm, and now that I have my fancy new axe, I no longer need the Sonic Spear, so no more Shadow Labyrinth runs.
But I still need to upgrade my boots and my belt. The Marksman belt I'm wearing is okay, but if I get myself 17850 honor, and 40 Arathi Basin Marks, I can get the wonderful Vindicator's Chain Girdle. It improves virtually every one of my stats significantly.
Secondly, I need to get rid of my stupid looking boots, and I've found that the PVP ones I was looking at require way too many Eye of the Storm marks for me. So I found the Sky Hunter Swift Boots that drop in Sethekk Halls and they seem to be a nice upgrade, and don't look half bad either.
Lastly, I need to start killing more Sunfury Archers because they drop the schematic for Adamantite Arrow Makers, which allows me to make a box of 1000 Adamantite Stingers. Not only is it nice to carry extra cases of condensed ammo in my inventory, those stingers are a relatively nice increase over my current Warden Arrows.
Here is my current profile. Don't click on the model viewer! The stalker gear I'm wearing has no models and my character will be quite nude. It's not a pretty sight.
Here is what things will look like once I get those 2 new pieces. Again, stay away from the model viewer.
If anybody actually reads this, do you see any enchants you'd recommend I get? I'm nearly exalted with Aldor so I'll be able to put a better glyph on my shoulders soon.
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