We abandoned Ulduar till it's fixed and went to take on the first boss of the new Colosseum. It's a set of 3 different bosses, and we managed to down them in 3 attempts. Pretty easy so far.
Blizzard has changed how the new content is accessed however. We only have access to the first boss during the first week, and only on normal 25man. We must beat all bosses on normal25 before heroic25 is unlocked, and those bosses are being released in a weekly scheduled I believe.
We also found that the new VoA boss has not been implemented.
So that means, if Ulduar isn't hotfixed today, we may have no raiding to do tonight.
Overall, I really like a lot of the new stuff they've put in this patch, but the caveat is that Ulduar is temporarily broken.

The new dailies actually seem pretty cool, and there are about twice as many as before, so grinding Champion Seals should go faster.
The new Dragonhawk mount is gorgeous, so it's becoming a high priority. 150 seals is the price.
I'm hoping to get a little time in tonight to find the new Ravasaur trainer in Un'goro. I'm getting closer and closer to the 100 mount achievement. I plant to pick up the new low-level Undercity horse as well just to fill in the numbers. Also, I only need 4 more pets to get the 75 pet achievement.
I must say, my favorite addition of this patch is the change to the ammo-box materials. 2 saronite bars gets me 1000 ammo now. Old cost was 15 bars for 2000. Very happy about that change. I also like that Ultra-high shadow settings runs smoothly now.
So yeah, 3.2 gets a thumbs up from me.
Check out my youtube channel. I have almost every Ulduar boss video posted now. Still to go: Flame Leviathan and Yogg-Saron.
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