Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Alterac Valley 2

I've been getting the hang of the turn-ins in AV, but had to look up what to do with the flesh I was picking up off fallen players and NPCs. They are apparently for Wing Commanders, who you must rescue. I've tried locating them, but have had no luck.
I did turn in so much blood last night that we nearly summoned the ice god. That was cool.
Vials of blood are turned into the Tauren Druid in a small cave in the main area of the fortress. When enough are turned in, a team of druids will ride to the middle of the map and start summoning a god. 10 players have to help in the summoning, then he will show up and start rampaging. He can be healed, so it's best to have players supporting him.
Pieces of armor are turned in to an Orc near the cave with a blue question mark over him. The armor provides strength increases to friendly NPCs from what I understand. Whenever you see your inventory loading up with these turn-ins, zip back to base and drop them off. Deadly Boss mods even automate the turn-in process so it just takes one click.
So does anyone know where the Horde Wing Commanders are being held?

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