Monday, March 24, 2008

What I've learned of Alterac Valley so far...

Since I'm still new to Alterac, I'm just putting down my experiences to help anyone else who hasn't done it yet.

Taking Coldtooth Mine (F) is an easy thing to pull off with 2 or 3 people at the most. A single Hunter could solo it, but backup makes things go much faster. Your goal in the Mine is to kill the boss named Snivvle. The easiest path to him is through the lower entrance to the mine. Just fight through, hang a right, then a left and you should spot him. He stands out. Kill him, then leave the same way you came in.

If you're there at the beginning, I've found it's a lot of fun to stick with the large group of Horde who head due north to Stonehearth Bunker (11), cap it quickly, then head straight to Stonehearth Outpost (10) where Balinda lives. Balinda is tough, and you should get at least 10 people to help take her down. After that, I just sort of wander from fight to fight. Like I said, I'm still pretty new at this.

When you take out enemies, make sure to loot their corpse. You'll get a bunch of crap. Most of it can be turned in back at the Frostwolf Relief Hut (B) and surrounding camps. Keep an eye out for NPCs in that area with blue question marks. Turn in as much of the loot as you can to the various NPCs. If you have the trinket that allows you to quickly return to the Frostwolf Keep, use it for quick turn-ins. If you find yourself spawning at the northernmost graveyard, make your way to the main offense heading towards Dun Baldar. Don't try to take on the Alliance boss until you've got at least 15-20 people ready to go. Also, when fighting the Alliance boss, do not run outside of the building if you get aggro. If you run out, he resets to full health and everyone must start the fight over. Take the death, and just respawn.

I hope to post more in the future as I get a better grasp on this Battleground.

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