This is much easier to do if you have the Deadly Boss mod installed, since it gives you a convenient set of movable bars that give countdowns for capture points across the map.
Typically capturing a graveyard or tower in Alterac Valley takes somewhere around 3-5 minutes and nets you healthy amount of bonus honor whenever your team takes one. Once the battleground ends (in victory or defeat, doesn't matter), you have 2 minutes until it closes. You can review your stats at this time. However, if your team was in the process of capturing any tower or graveyard when the match ended, if it completes while you are still reviewing your stats, you get the bonus honor (typically around 42 honor if i recall).
So my tip is, if you have the Deadly Boss mod, check your countdown bars and see if anything will cap during the post-match wrap up. If so, just let it ride.
In the photo below, the Deadly Boss timer is to the left of the minimap showing 1:23 left before that capture succeeds. At the bottom of the stat sheet, you can see the BG closing in 2 minutes. I'm going to test to make sure this works in the next day or two, but waiting that 2 minutes should net me another chunk of free honor.

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