Is the current quest log not doing it for you?
There are 3 add-ons that I couldn't imagine playing the game without anymore.
Doublewide, as you can see above, moves the quest description into a new panel so you can now see more of your active quests on the left. If you've got traditional 4:3 monitor, this might take up a lot of screen real estate, but if you've got a widescreen monitor, this is incredibly nice.
Lightheaded works hand-in-hand with TomTom to make questing significantly easier. When you click on a quest in your log, the panel on the right shows you all kinds of info on that quest downloaded directly from wowhead. Blue text is, of course, a link. If the blue text is a set of coordinates, TomTom will mark that spot on your map when you click it. You can also click through pages of message board posts regarding each quest which give you a better idea of where you are going and what you are doing. It really helps speed things up when you're looking to finish up some quests.
Some thing to keep in mind though, if you're clicking on a set of coordinates, TomTom will mark that spot on your map in the zone you're currently in. If you're in Barrens, and you're checking out info for a quest that takes place in Thousand Needles, you're going to have to go to Thousand Needles before you let TomTom mark your map, otherwise you're going to end up marking the wrong spot. The only exception to this is when you click on a quest-related NPC's name. In the photo above, if I were to click on the blue name "Tor'chunk Twoclaws" it would take me to a list of coordinates where he is found. If I click on them, it marks that spot in whatever zone he is actually in. This helps immensely when you need to go to a different NPC to complete a quest and you've no idea where to start looking. That's the only time you don't need to be in the same zone for TomTom to mark your map correctly.
There you have it! Quest mods that will make your life much easier.
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